Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor: Hero... Or Stooge?

Hello again, those of you reading my blog.
It's time for today's post.

I know, what could be more fun than that?

Anyways, we read The Crucible today, and a question was posed about John Proctor, a character in the book (play? Oh, whatever). Anyways, Mr. McCarthy asked if he was (as i said in the title) a hero or a Scrooge... I mean stooge. It set me thinking, not only about the fact that I accidentally read the whole book apparently, but also that he's probably a stooge. I mean, his wife is being accused and he can't do anything. Abigail has him in a moral dilemma.If he tells the town she's lying, he has to tell them that he had an affair with Abigail.

I can imagine that would work really well:

PROCTOR: Oh hey everyone, I forgot to tell you that I had an affair with Abigail. Oh, and she's a mean, conniving little **** who's trying to kill my wife.

That would work so well...

But anyways, he's faced with a lose-lose situation, but he does persevere through it and try to save his wife, so he's a hero.

Or maybe he's both.

And now we get to the part where my head starts hurting.

-- Noah


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