Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Eyes of an Angry God

Anyways, it's time for this week's post.


This week we read a sermon by Jonathan Edwards, one of those really radical preacher guys back when the pilgrims traveled to the US. His sermon, whose title is reprinted above, is basically all sorts of stuff about how God hates them all so much. I could imagine being a little kid whose parents said "Hey, let's go to this awesome sermon!" and going, then being scared out of my mind that God's going to kill me...

Which I guess kind of true...

But anyways, I figure it's a really great way to enforce a theocracy, because it's propagandizing little kids by telling them to straighten up and fly right, or God's going to make you suffer horribly. Another way they squashed individual rights was by not allowing books. What a great way to get rid of opposing viewpoints! Then, there's the whole sermon thing, which really instill the fear of God (sorry for the horrible pun) in people.

How excellent.



Darius E. said...

I know you hate typos and stuff, but you spelled "angry" wrong in the title. Just saying. Nice reference to theocracies.

Sydney Gillary said...

Imma post again after I actually read this and I write mine, but:
Typo :D

Noah Suarez-Sikes said...

Sorry, I fixed it now...

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