Thursday, October 21, 2010

When I Knew I Was an American

Hey everyone,

Today's post: When I knew I was an American. Now, when I was really little, my parents were very concerned about me keeping my Puerto Rican side intact. Thus, they talked to me in spanish until I was about 2. At this point, they were trying to get me into some sort of bilingual kindergarten program. That failed, and I had started to pick up some english. Their plan collapsed about then. I had to speak english in order to get into the good schools/kindergartens. By the time I was 3, I was speaking english fluently, and the battle began to keep my spanish. It got worse when I learned italian back when I went to Italy for a semester ( by the way, if you ever get the chance to go to Italy, take it. BEST foreign country EVER). Right now, my italian is really rusty, my spanish is good, and my english is great.

I guess I just always instinctively knew I was American. Back when I was little, I always thought I was an American, even though I was also Puerto Rican and Texan (because, in truth, Texas is the Sicily of the US). It's not like there was a certain point at which I suddenly and miraculously knew I was an American...

I think...

--Noah SS


Sydney Gillary said...

Instinct? Its instinct that told you? I somehow have a problem with that.
(You're Texan?)
Even if there was never the "Aha!" moment, how do you know you are today? And don't give me the, "I live in America, therefore I'm American" thing. It's weak.

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