Thursday, December 2, 2010

Winter Poem, With Excursus About The Holidays, Featuring Ranting Action One Would Normally Expect From Sydney

In case you don't know what it means, I have the definition of "Excursus" here:


–noun, plural -sus·es, -sus.
a detailed discussion of some point in a book, esp. one added as an appendix.
a digression or incidental excursion, as in a narrative.

So I'm basically using it right.
Now, we can get on with the rant-like digression, and then the winter poem. 
Don't you just love the holidays? There's the freezing cold snow, the people pointing out said snow and exclaiming "LOOK!! Global warming is a lie! It's cold outside!!". AND, they don't listen to you when you tell them atmospheric carbon is at 369 ppm or so, which is about 100 ppm higher than it was post-industrial revolution, AND that it's the hottest decade on record, AND that according to a recently created mathematical model, 75% of the freak weather systems we've had over the past several years come from carbon WE'VE put into the air. 
Oh, and of course there's the pretty general thing about family and friends and chestnuts and magical little robot elves blah blah blah etc. Oh, but don't think I'm shallow and only care about the presents. Nope, I enjoy the generic holiday activities too, like watching Fringe and Battlestar Galactica with my family and my new kitten with a mug of hot cider, singing Christmas carols as people get shot of blown to bits on TV. 
But one of the things I'm REALLY looking forward to is World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. I can't wait to make my Goblins/Worgen and adventure in Uldum, Vashj'ir, Deepholm, Mount Hyjal, and the Twilight Highlands. I'm literally this ==> |--------------|-------------|--------------| close to getting to level 80 (for those of you who don't know, that is how many experience bars I need to fill up before getting level 80). It's going to be SO cool.
Finally, I'm adding new art to the blog, so that's good. I'm thinking of using something I originally made up for AP Human Geography, for the "Authentic Self" project. I'm thinking navy blue boxes interspersed with either lime green or orange, with whatever color I don't pick ending up as a tertiary color.
Without further ado, here's the Winter Poem!!!
   Winter makes its presence felt, as the snowflake falls,
   Tumbling, tumbling to the ground.
   Its facets reflect the slowly fading light of the day
   As the sun sinks below the horizon, 
A shaft of sunlight hits the flake.
The snowflake falls, as must we all,
But just for a moment, a fleeting moment, 
The ray of light catches it in its warm hands,
Caressing it in its fatal embrace.
And just for a moment, a tiny blip in time,
The flake is golden.
But, like all things, the moment will, nay, must pass
And the snowflake continues its spiral,
Falling down, down
Into the white abyss of its fellows.

Anyways, C&C are welcome. Yes it's a little bit dark, but happy Christmahanukwanzaa all the same everyone.
Happy Christmahanukwanzaa to all!


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