Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reader Response Journal "Civil Disobedience" Edition, w/ Digression About New Blog Setup

Hey everyone, exciting new development in "The Blog" history:


Now, I know, I know, but I'm getting to the post in just a sec. Now, THE BLOG comes equipped with an RSS feed on it. If you somehow are totally enthralled by my blog, you can add it to your bookmarks bar and thus get new updates for the blog every Thursday, and when school ends, possibly every day. Now,it also has a few new addons, like the most popular post addon, the "fish" addon (feed the fishies) etc. Don't get carried away staring at the ...SHINY... new template though, because the real meat and potatoes of THE BLOG are the posts... I think...

Now, on to the real portion of the blog:


Now, this essay (at first) kind of seemed like the Tea Partiers would be all over it like flies to honey. It's got so many "anti-government" statements in it that it seems like it would fit their agenda perfectly. Now, reflecting on it, it would seem like it would actually hurt their agenda. You see, they talk about the Constitution with reverence, so this essay, with its anarchist tone, would only appeal to a small subset.

Now, do I agree with it? No. I know he was doing it to stop another slave state from entering the U.S, but he did the wrong thing. I'm not saying that the government back then was the most morally righteous, and that Thoreau was a horrible demon, but what you need is a huge, coordinated effort, not a small-scale "one person not paying their taxes" thing. That helps no-one, and injures the government, which then has less money to provide services. Also, you go to jail. What he needed was a large-scale protest, one that would shake people to their senses. I don't really know what a good alternative is, so I'm opening it up to a reader discussion. Win, and you get 100 points.


   Word of the week:


1.To add to the visual content of a book by inserting images not included in the original volume, often by mutilating other books.
2.To mutilate books in order to get illustrative material for such a purpose.


Anonymous said...

I think he actions are necessary to start a chain reaction that leads to the huge coordinated effort against the government. After all, if no one is going to speak up or take actions who can follow the example of doing so?

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