Sunday, February 20, 2011

PROPAGANDA 2011 *dramatic music*

Hey everyone,

Finally, a post I can actually enjoy because I can heap a ton of abuse on Fox news.

Hey, it's the best example of propaganda I can think of.

So, I pulled up the definition of propaganda:
1. information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement,institution, nation, etc.
2. the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.
3. the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.
4. Roman Catholic Church .
a committee of cardinals, established in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV, having supervision over foreign missions and the training of priests for these missions.
b. a school (College of Propaganda)  established by Pope Urban VIII for the education of priests forforeign missions.
5. Archaic . an organization or movement for the spreading of propaganda.
Now, let's think. Which of these definitions apply to Fox?
Not the Catholic Church one, that's for sure. How about the " rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement,institution, nation, etc."Well...
Anyone remember the "Death Panels"?
Also, I'm absolutely sure that the spreading of those rumors were intentional.
And, I think that Fox is just devoted to spreading these rumors.
I actually believe that they're only doing it because they hate the fact that an African-American guy is president. I also think that's why the Republican top priority is "to make sure Obama is a one term president".  It just sickens me. 
Now, what do you readers think? Is Fox secretly overtly trying to destroy Obama? I'd honestly like to see some debate... 
Anyways, til' next week
-- Noah

P.S. Word of the Week!


\ muh-LING-guhr \  , intransitive verb;
1.To feign or exaggerate illness or inability in order to avoid duty or work.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Black Boy" Response

Hello readers,

I'm sitting here and blogging, even though I feel like crap, or more accurately, my throat does.
Ah well.

So, for those of you who haven't read 2/3rds of the way into the book:

SPOILER ALERT! Be forewarned, the following text might contain spoilers!

Now, on with the blog.

           I actually really like this book (as evidenced by the fact that I read 2/3rds of the way into the book...). It's a far cry from "The Scarlet Letter". I don't want to say it was boring, but I mean COME ON, the guy spends 3 pages describing a BROOK!! This one, however, is different, and I like that. I also like the way that he did an in-depth analysis of everything he's feeling at the moment. It really brings across his emotions, and the way he was thinking at the time. Consequently, it really makes you sympathize with the character, despite the fact that's it's almost as if everything Wright has done in his life has been to make his younger self unlikeable. He also is able to justify all of his actions with a motive, and I think that also helps to make him more sympathetic. For example, the system he rigged in the movie theater was justified because he was trying to get enough money to go north and escape the persecution of the South. It also has that sort of gritty, realistic quality afforded to it by his detailed description of how horrible white Southerners are to him.

Well, that's the blog for this week. Stay tuned for more, feed the fishies, and check out the RSS feed.

-- Noah


Word of the week:
    A disorder in which one is unable to remember faces
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