Thursday, November 25, 2010

People In My Class I'm Thankful For.

As we approach Thanksgiving, we--

Oh, wait. It is Thanksgiving.
This Thanksgiving, we sit down and think about people that we're thankful for. Also, since this blog post is about people in our class we're thankful for, I'll start the lis with thanking Gaga, for somehow helping me retain my sanity during Algebra II/Trig BC, my only class marred by the unholy presence of Barry Ng and his equally unholy shenanigans (BTW, for me to say something is unholy means it's pretty bad, because I'm an atheist). Without being able to complain about Barry to someone, I would have gone totally INSANE *maniacal laugh*. Also, Jiayin for helping me in the same class with the various assignments and groupworks. Otherwise I would have had an F in that class. Also, here's yet another person who I can complain about Barry to.

Then, there are people not in this class peiod who I want to thank:

#1. My Spanish for Native Speakers class for being so awesome :D
#2. Sydney, for restraining my nascent pyromania in Chemistry class.
#3. Mr. Neris for coming up with awesome... FIERY... experiments for our class
#4. My lunch table, for actually not wanting to fail their world studies class and listening to me

And finally, there's the ever-present not-being-thankful-feeling one gets when thinking about Barry. God, talk about a downer...
Anyways, go enjoy your turkey, everyone. I'm taking advantage of this time to powerlevel to level 80. Then I'll start raiding. Naxxramas, here I come!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

(Also, does anyone know how to cranberry-proof your electronic devices?)


Edit: apparently that would have been a good idea. Level 78!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a plow...

Okay, this week's blog is a little bit weird.
I kind of don't get the whole "plow" thing, but I'm going to write it anyway, so here goes...

I am a plow, an instrument used to not only till soil, but also mark boundaries. I am possibly pulled by oxen, maybe horses. I am pulled throughout a field from dawn til' dusk, and am then allowed rest (although it's the horses doing all of the work) I might be a little bit rusted, but not a lot; I am used very often. This plow is then stored in a comfortable toolshed. I also serve various other functions, as mentioned above: boundaries, farming, etc. Oh, also I am not a plow in "Farmville", if there are plows in that game. God that game is stupid. Also, like most plows, I do not do Facebook.

Okay, that might not be my best writing. But in all fairness, the topic was, as I said before, a little weird. Also, have you seen how evil Facebook is?



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Directions Our Class Should Take

Hey everyone (and anyone),

This week's blog is about what we should change in our class.
First of all,


Second of all, I don't really have a lot of complaints about the class. But what I do have in abundance are complaints about the school. First of all, the stupid spam filter thingy is STILL blocking my blog for no reason. It really annoys me. Second of all, cafeteria food. I bring my own lunch, but still, that stuff is nasty. They should at least try to make it edible...
Third of all, less homework. We get a lot of homework from all of our classes, and it really leaves us with no lives (not that I had one anyways).

That's basically it. I kind of don't like doing the project, but that's probably because i'm lazy and wait until the last minute to do things, which kind of kills any fun I could have gotten out of it...



Cataclysm releases on the 7th!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Slavery

Okay, let's get this blog post STARTED!!! WHOO!!!

No, i'm actually not that excited about this. I'm actually mad at CPS for blocking this blog. I mean, why? for the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, WHY?

But enough with my CPS rage.

Today's post is called : Modern Slavery. It's kind of a self-explanatory title, to tell you the truth. It makes me think of the workers who work in factories in countries like India or China, and eke out a living on less than $1 USD a day. They manufacture all of our cheap consumer goods, in order to let chain stores maintain their "low, low, LOW!" prices. It also reminds me of towns in theses same countries that process e-waste. They basically take it and burn it to reduce it to the bare metals. The burning process creates pollution in the air, and also makes the rivers toxic, containing high levels of heavy metals, and contaminates it with lead and poison. It's often one of the only water sources available, and if it's not?
Well, it'll probably seep into the water system in a few years anyways, and they'll be poisoned just the same.

Why, that just sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
That was sarcasm, by the way.

Copyright Noah Suárez-Sikes 2010. Okay, I'm lying, but if you steal this, no homework help. BAM!. Powered by Blogger.

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