Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a plow...

Okay, this week's blog is a little bit weird.
I kind of don't get the whole "plow" thing, but I'm going to write it anyway, so here goes...

I am a plow, an instrument used to not only till soil, but also mark boundaries. I am possibly pulled by oxen, maybe horses. I am pulled throughout a field from dawn til' dusk, and am then allowed rest (although it's the horses doing all of the work) I might be a little bit rusted, but not a lot; I am used very often. This plow is then stored in a comfortable toolshed. I also serve various other functions, as mentioned above: boundaries, farming, etc. Oh, also I am not a plow in "Farmville", if there are plows in that game. God that game is stupid. Also, like most plows, I do not do Facebook.

Okay, that might not be my best writing. But in all fairness, the topic was, as I said before, a little weird. Also, have you seen how evil Facebook is?




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