Thursday, January 13, 2011

King... still king?

So, Martin Luther King Jr...

Inspirational, greatest civil rights leader of all time, etc. But.. the million dollar question...

Is he still relevant?

I think yes. He provides a great, homegrown example of what one man  can do with a vision and some good speechwriting. He's an example for kids everywhere. Heck, he gives us a day off from school! Just for that, he should be relevant today.

Also, there are still racists and bigots.People that want to destroy the foundations of equality that this country is built upon (okay, not exactly true, but still). I mean, no offense to Gandhi, but we need a homegrown idol of equality, so to speak. Especially today, with these crazy people going around listening to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh's racist rhetoric, and then going around shooting people (yes, the Tucson shooting was not a race-related shooting, but still, if we leave things like this, it'll happen eventually). We need a positive icon that people risk serious damage to their self-image by attacking.

We need MLK.

At least, that's my humble opinion.
By the way, why is the word monosyllabic more than one syllable?

Also, yes, I know, this post is a little short, but don't worry, i'll have the next post up to scratch...


P.S: Word of the week:
1. pathologically incoherent, repetitious speech.
2. incessant or compulsive talkativeness; wearisome volubility.


Anonymous said...

I think you made an excellent point about how racism is still very much real today. How do you think equality will be achieve through if that can ever happen?

Noah Suarez-Sikes said...

I actually think that we can never truly achieve some sort of utopia. There will always be racists in this world. That's a fact of life. What we can do is cut down on the number of racists in the world. How would we do that? No idea.

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